The BubblefrogBlog

Halb Englisch, half German - We're working on it. *g*

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

On the Road to Find Out

Cat Stevens - or whatever his name is these days.

I came across the following, which is a video ad for Porsche on the Economist's web site.

It may be the language. But am I the only one that finds that caption distinctly funny...? I didn't exactly roll over myself, but just chuckled into the sandwich that was my lunch.

Actually you're supposed to move your mouse over the film (again ineaxct use of language, move the cursor) - it then expands...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Nice song of the Foo Fighters, that one. Especially as I am not particularly fond of them....

I've just come across one of them. Miracles, that is. There actually ist something in the world you can't buy on eBay!


Doing a PhD is fun... Who would expect that even eBay, which at times sold half-eaten sandwiches would have a copy of the World Economic Forum's most famous publication? But fear not, I got them at Amazon's Market Place in the end.