>>The Greatest Star of them all<<...
... is one of the central themes in Sunset Boulevard (yes, I listen to Andrew Lloyd Webber from time to time...), but I would like to introduce you the truly greatest star of all time:

The 'man' I share my flat (and my life) with - Karl-Friedrich, the Big Bear, Ursa Major, best friend, with knees, but no fingers (which makes opening honey jars a bit tricky for him *g*). Good-natured, a bit mischievous, always with a twinkling eye, the only man the Blubberfrosch has to share me with.
He's 8 years old, 1.08 m tall (and twice as broad, it seems - he fills any room), pleasant until he smells food - and I'm his biggest fan. Finding his name was a bit of a problem, as bears have names, but don't give them away easily. It took some heated discussions that Christmas Eve to figure out he is Karl-Friedrich and no-one else. I was collecting teddy bears at that time, and had wanted "a big one, one that can be hugged" - so my mother freed him from a sports shop (!) because he had knees. And so he has, and My best friend, visiting me, actually put - unconsciously, I suspect - her hand on his knee while flirting shamelessly. Because that's his secret: Everybody who meets Karl-Friedrich instantly falls in love with him, without fail. First they think 'what would an allegedly grown-up woman (which I am definitely not) want with a teddy bear??', but then they fall for him.
Actually, once, when I moved "house" (moving from halls of residence to your parents' house can hardly be called moving house, I s'pose..) Karl-Friedrich caused a real stir. My father had him on the passenger seat of a rented van, and on the motorway people started honking to greet the bear. What a personality, eh?
He's been with me ever since I got him (or did he find me?), first back home, then in student accomodation and our flat, now he's here with me in Dundee. The only time he wasn't with me was during my stay here in 3rd year - imagine taking him on a plane... But during those months he stayed with the Blubberfrosch and I think he quite enjoyed himself there. But now he's back with me, and I can't imagine being without him.
Bear, I adore you.
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