The BubblefrogBlog

Halb Englisch, half German - We're working on it. *g*

Friday, March 24, 2006

Calendar Clashes

I've been thinking.
Yes, I do that from time to time - not kidding.

Anyway, I've decided that I once we have children, I want to be a father. I know, technically, biologically I have no choice but to be a mother, but I've made up my mind: I'm going to be a father.

How have I reached this decision? Well, have you listened to the radio recently? It's Mother's Day this Sunday, and it seems that the average mother is destined to receive loads of pink cards, quickly-rotting bouquets and cheap perfume.
While on Father's Day - at least in Germany - the average father meets fellow fathers and a lot of alcohol, has a barbecue and gets totally plastered.

And now you have three guesses which option I find more appealing. Hint: I don't seem to be the motherly type...

Although I still don't like the notion that the calendar tells me when I have to do what, drinking yourself senseless is a lot better than wasting resources by buying cards that get binned anyway.

And that's my point: Who needs Mother's Day? Or Father's Day, or Valentine's Day, for that matter. I mean - yeah, the relevant industries, and it creates income, I guess, but really.
Honestly. Personally I don't need a particular day forced upon me by society to tell my mother she's fab or to empty the dishwasher (and then leave it to her the other 364 days of the year). And I don't need another day where I know that the flowers I get from the Blubberfrosch are only bought because that's what you do. I want flowers that he wants to give me, not that he has to give me. And I tell him that I find him, well... 'reasonably acceptable' about three times a day (roughly), why should I only be allowed that once a year in a mobbed restaurant?

As for the presents. Have you ever looked at those Mother's Day cards?? "You're the best mother in the world!" Da-hah! What's the criterion? The amount of sugar she puts in the cake?? I mean, shouldn't the fact that she's your mother qualify her for your affection already? Why the competition? Same with Valentine's Day: "To my sweetest Valentine." Well, if he weren't the sweetest, I would find myself somebody else. *shrug* I mean, there's obviously a reason that I'm with him. And, having March right now, I'm not going to wait for another 11 months to let him know - by post. And btw, his name is not Valentine.

And that's me finished ranting about our consumer society.

But don't get me wrong: I'm not saying you shouldn' let people know about your feelings for them - on the contrary! You should tell them a lot more often than once a year!

P.S.: Birthdays are different - not that you get the impression I'm not interested in my pressies any more.



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